Here’s How to Pick Perfect Marble Slabs for Your Home

Are you planning to design your home with marble slabs? This resilient material is a popular choice for flooring, countertops, fireplaces, etc. It’s durable and versatile enough to be used in a contemporary and traditional setting. Now, the question is how would choose perfect marble slabs for your home? Well, you can follow a few useful tips to make a successful purchase. So, let’s have a look at these in the continuing segment.

Marble Slabs

Tips to Choose Marble Slabs

Marble is available in a wide range of options. But the below tips will help you choose the right one with ease.

  • Consider Texture and Finishes

Texture and finishes are the factors that can ensure the beauty of this natural stone. These are what can make each stone look distinct. In this stone, the texture ranges from fine-grained to fragmented. It comes with different finishes, such as polished, honed, leather, hydro, and so many. These can create a major impact on the aesthetic appeal of a home. So, before buying marble slabs, pay attention to these factors.

  • Focus on the Physical Features

Make sure the marble slabs you want to buy are free from cracks and stains. A crack can expand over time and cause structural issues. Some marbles are available on the market, which is artificially coloured. They start fading after being installed. And ensure you pick marble slabs that have the same thickness and dimension so that they look uniform after installation.

  • Choose the Colour Carefully

Marble is available in a wide variety of colours. These include white, pink, red, grey, brown, orange, green, etc. Hence, make sure you choose the colour that matches the rest of your home. In addition, the veining patterns complements the overall design of marble slabs. So, if you want to have a marble countertop, choose the shade that suits the flooring and wall.

  • Check the Quality

Mishandling can be a significant reason for marble cracks. It may also crack during the shopping process. Hence, to check the quality, it’s best to run your fingernails across the surface of marble slabs. If your nails snag, the chance is high that cracks may take place in the slab.

A Reliable Stone Supplier to Contact

Make your purchase from Sonic Stone, a trusted natural stone supplier. They offer quality marble slabs at an affordable rate. Here, the experts also help their clients regarding custom made design, planning, installation, etc. Visit for further information.


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