Onyx Supplier: Caring and Maintenance Tips for This Stone!

Onyx is one of the most attractive looking natural stones in the world. People with top-class fashion requirements often turn to this stone to add a luxurious touch to their property. If you are one of those, consider contacting a trusted and sincere onyx supplier for top-notch products.  

However, only buying these stones will not be enough. Nothing will remain if you neglect it, and onyx is not exceptional. So, ensure you maintain this stone with utmost care and professional tips to prolong its life. Take a closer look at the following steps for a better understanding!

Onyx Supplier

Explore the Pro Maintenance Tips from an Onyx Supplier!

Here you go!

Look for a Stone Sealant

Stone sealant is a must to keep the piece non-porous and stain-resistant. In this case, you may ask the professionals about the best sealant according to your stone. So you do not make any mistakes during the maintenance process. 

Use a Soft Brush

If your onyx gets any spill over it, never try to rub it or use a harsh scrub pad. It can damage the surface of this stone, making it porous and dull. Instead, get a wet soft-bristled brush and liquid soap to clean your premium quality white onyx. 

Wipe It Down Gently

An experienced onyx supplier often suggests using a bar of mild dish soap and a soft wet cloth. It is the most effective way to clean your onyx stone without causing any harm.  

Remove the Soap 

Rinse your cloth to wipe the surface and get the stains off. Remember to be gentle and thorough with it so you can effectively clear the part without compilation. 

Pat It Dry

Never let the moisture stay on your white onyx surface. Otherwise, it can damage its grace even after giving so much effort. Take a clean and soft microfibre towel and pat off the wetness gently. Remember, professionals always ask to pat it, not wipe it!  

Do You Need Any Help?

Consider dealing with the best onyx supplier from Sonic Stone because they offer only the best products for residential, commercial, and public premises. So, click on sonicstone.co.uk for more details on their services and products!


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